Tuesday, May 14, 2013

The End Has Come

Well, I'm back in Texas… I've been avoiding this realization for about 10 days, but I finally decided to give in and admit it! I cannot describe how much I miss GSF… All the kids, the aunties, the other missionaries, the beautiful campus, boda rides, being outside most of the day, the rainstorms, all the farm animals all around, the kids, the kids, and mostly the kids! 

Some of our older boys just being boys!

Many people are asking, "So, how was it?" I don't even know how to encompass the last six months in one answer- amazing, wonderful, life-changing! If I had to do it all over again I would in a heart beat. I would take the lonely days, missing Justin, missing friends and family, missing daily comforts, the stressful nursing days, watching sickness and sadness, and everything else! The greatness of the 6 month experience heavily outweighs the hard parts. Honestly, the hard parts probably taught me the most about God and reshaped the way I think about daily life!

God opened my eyes to many things while in Uganda. Things about His holiness, His strength, and many things about his desire for His people. The Ugandan's dependency on Christ is outstanding! I quickly saw that my dependency grew when comforts, security, and my culture were stripped away. I realized that often I first think "oh I can do this!", rather than turn to Christ. Turning to Christ always provided more comfort, peace, and hope than any fix I would have had anyways! I pray deeply that my trust in Christ above all else would not fade as my comforts and resources return!

God also opened my eyes up to the power of living intentionally in conversations, friendships, activities, and all of life. It was easy there to structure my day around what would help me show the love of Jesus most, or how can I bring up a conversation about truths someone needs to hear. God had to take me out of my daily routine in America to show me how much more he had planned for my life! With the goal of glorifying Christ in every daily action, its amazing the joy He fills you with and the opportunities to share Christ that fall into place. 

My realization of the hope that Christ provides was also renewed during my time in Uganda. I saw unbelievable sickness, evil, hurting, and overall despair everywhere I turned while there. However, the people who had found Christ had such joy and hope despite everything else! Christ in their lives didn't take the daily struggles away, didn't take the hardship away, but their minds weren't set on the trouble of this world. Their minds were set on their glory in Christ! My joy and hope in the newness that Christ  brings was renewed! 

I am excited to encourage others in their desires to have a worldly impact for Christ. My hope is that people in the church would have a heart and desire to reach the nations for Jesus, particularly those who have no access to the gospel now. I desire that pastors and church leadership would be prepared to send and care for those going. International missions is much greater than just the people working on the field. It requires a team of fellow Christ followers to help send and help encourage along the way! I am excited for the hearts that Christ is stirring at this very time! 

Justin and I's goal is to do longterm overseas missions together. We are not certain on where yet, but just praying daily that God point us in the right direction. My heart longs to be back at GSF, it longs to be back in another culture. I ask that you pray for my transition back. I get married in 88 days- yikes!! I've jumped back into a life of wedding planning here. Sometimes I avoid thinking about GSF because it hurts too much… I pray though that the memories will remind me of the wonders of God I learned while I was there, and spur me to live more intentionally here. 

God is not a different God in Uganda. His church is not suppose to be a different church in America then in Uganda. Details of daily life might look differently in different cultures, but the Bible does not. God calls each of His children to love Him first and to love others, no matter where you are in the world. My experience in Uganda did strength and widen my view of God, and I pray that it continues here as well! 

Thank you all so much for coming along on this journey with me. I have been overwhelmed by the amount of encouragement and help I've had at every step! My walk with God doesn't stop here, and neither will this blog. There won't be as many cute pictures of kiddos though :( 

If you'd like to know how you can help GSF please email me at JulieMatthews8@yahoo.com 
Or please check out the sponsorship blog. GSF couldn't run without people just like you!  Each child at GSF needs roughly 3 sponsors to make GSF run. Being a sponsor means a relationship with this child. You get to send letters, gifts, encouragements to the child and they send you personalized letters back! I've seen the program, I know how much the children are impacted by their sponsors. Often the children ask to pray for their sponsors as well! Even if you're a little curious please check out the blog or email me for more information! I can tell you about each cute little kid at GSF!

I'll leave you with a few more adorable pictures of my goodbyes!

Baby Joshua and his fat cheeks!!

Isma has the best smile and laugh!

My little man Richard- he will always have my heart!    

Brian- He has a huge heart for God!

Paul and Jeremiah, sweet quiet boys!

The beautiful Sophia, Joan, and Viola

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