Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas at GSF

There are going to be a lot of pictures on this blog because I know you all want to see more of these adorable faces! 

Christmas was a wonderful time here at GSF!! It was very different than any Christmas season I had gone through before though… I went to no shopping malls bustling with people with Christmas music playing overhead, there were no houses with Christmas lights, and no holiday programming on tv. 
However, this Christmas was filled with love, family (even if its not by blood), laughter, excitement, and most of all Christ! 

A lot of our children were home with extended family for Christmas, so we had a much smaller group of kids than normal here to celebrate with. Our Christmas Eve service was a wonderful night of singing, a story about the meaning of a candy cane, and Silent Night by candle light. Hearing all the children's voices come together and praise God… Children that you might at first think should be sad around this time, or not joyful… But no! These children are so thankful and so joyous! They quickly answer the reason we celebrate Christmas- because Jesus was born! 

Most of the lovely girls! 

Dayna, the other AIM nurse, Richard my man, and Sam! 

Silent Night by candle light. So beautiful!!

After singing, each child received a stocking full of snacks, a new shirt or dress, a water bottle with a flavor packet, and small toys! Even the toddlers handed us their chips or popcorn right away so we could open it for them to enjoy! 

Helping the toddlers open up their stockings

Daniel and his chips from his stocking

Christmas day started with a wonderful brunch and gift exchange with the other missionaries. After some rest, we prepared to pavilion with all the gifts to be handed out that day! All the children, workers, and missionaries gathered together for a delicious traditional Ugandan lunch. We ate matoke (an unripe banana mushed up like mashed potatoes, this is one of my favorite Ugandan dishes!), irish (what irish potatoes are normally called), rice, beff (killed here at GSF!), pork (raised and killed here at GSF), and chicken. I'm getting over being picky about the meat here haha It was all very delicious! 

Yummy meat! 

After the delicious lunch, each kid received their gifts! I'll just let you see all the adorable pictures :)

Daniel and Micha infront of the Christmas tree

Some of our special boys- Sam, Matthew, Micha, and Elijah 

Me and my man Richard

This is my Ugandan little brother, Eric! If I could adopt a little brother, he would be it!

Richard opening his new motorcar!

All the kids opening their gifts

Efrance and her new baby doll

One of the other girl, Alana

Lily and her new doll (picture courtesy of Eddie, my photographer haha)

Even though I was away from loved ones, it was a wonderful Christmas full of new experiences and fabulous people! 

1 comment:

  1. As Tiny Tim said in The Christmas Carol, "God Bless Us Everyone". I am proud of you Julie for being there with those children and helping provide the joy & love of Christmas.
